Monday, June 22, 2009

Birthday Weekend

June 19th Friday was my birthday..... It was a cool birthday honestly, I am an only child so normally I like to do things BIG. Not this year, I kept it cool, and relaxed... I did the mani/pedi thing... I partied with my homeboy. Saturday I went to Charlotte, did some small shopping, and Sunday I relaxed... It was a good weekend I did not stress, so I am happy about that. Now we are back to Monday and I am in a GREAT mood... Next year will be different for my birthday I plan to take a nice little trip, and be on a beach somewhere....

IS it wrong for me to be upset with certain people who should know and always remember when my birthday is? Or is that somewhat childish? Or is that the only child in me? I am just asking because I am curious... Well I hope my daddy liked his father's day gift.. I hope it was everything he dreamed of.. I got him a gold medallion cross.. He loves crosses, and he's most recent cross something happened to it..

For now on I am going to start leaving inspirational messages on the end of my blogs, to help inspire others, and help others get through the day....

" A goal unwritten is a dream, it becomes a reality when you begin to pursue it."

PS: I don't know what everyone's issue is about being single, I am having sooo much fun being single...

Monday, June 15, 2009


Did you miss me??

 I am serious about this blogging, I am sorry that I have been so distant, I have been doing a lot of work, and preparation for my next step in life. I cannot tell you what I am about to do, but just know I am about to do it big. 

Anywhoo..  I have been living in North Carolina for four years, I am originally from Connecticut, but I moved to NC for college. When I left Connecticut I left everyone I knew there.  Coming to NC was a great experience for me, and its something I will never forget. I have now graduated.  I am preparing myself for my next step and set of goals.

 Where am I going with this you ask?  Well its funny how I have not kept in contact with a lot of people, for the most part there have been very few people I have kept in contact with in CT. About two weeks ago I went home to visit for the weekend, and I unfortunately ran into my ex- boyfriend... He sees me and says " I am going to come and visit you in three weeks"... I think to myself, WHY????? I have been in North Carolina for four years, and you never came to visit, so why now?  A week later I get a phone call from my high school/college ex Boy friend  who says... " I am coming to visit you next week!!" WHY  I ask again????  HE says I just want to come down there and see what it is like. I have never been, and I want to see what kind of opportunities are there. Needless to say they can both come to North Carolina, but I refuse to allow them to stay at my apartment, or see me. Well maybe Ill say hey, but I have left the past, maybe the have not, but that's not my issue.... SN:  These are two different guys....  
PS: I have only dated two guys and these are the two.. I will eventually come up with nicknames for them, so you know who they are...

I have learned this in life.. If Someone is in your past there is a reason for that, If people continue to focus on their past they will never see or understand their future..  It's best to let go, and move on to what's promised for you.... 

How do you feel about your past relationships, friendships? Have you ever had to stop talking to an ex, or a best friend because you were not "there" anymore? Or you were not into the same things?
