I am doing some revamping in life, and within this blog.. So I have been gone for a while. I am hoping by next week to have the blog looking different and refreshed. I am refreshed and having fun in life as well. I am enjoying my last semester of Undergraduate studies.
With my revamping I am still going to talk about relationships, but I am going to incorporate real issues that I, and others go through as we endure the age of twenty and beyond. I am going to add links, pictures, and make my blog more exciting. So please stay tuned.. Give me about two weeks from today.. Trust me its going to be good.
This was a GREAT weekend. I did a lot of exploring on who I am, and where I am trying to go. As well as how can I conquer all the goals I have set for myself in life. Trust me I dream big and I want to achieve all the goals I have created for myself. So where is all of this coming from? This weekend I was granted the opportunity to hear Hill Harper speak at a conference; he spoke about so many things, but as always people can talk, but there are keywords that are said that stand out. Harper spoke about achieving dreams and having a ground plan for your life that is written in PENCIL, because you are going to have to erase, start over, and revamp. I couldn't agree more. This made me begin to think where am I going? What is it that I want to do? How am I going to get there? What is going to be my limit and age that I want to get there? Personally I do not like sharing my goals, dreams, and visions with other people. I feel when you tell others what you want to do, it does not happen.
After hearing Harper speak he gave a book he wrote "letters to a young daughter" to the audience, and he autographed each and everyones' copy. Well when it was my turn I introduced myself, as a senior at Bennett College for Women. After my introduction Mr. Harper asked me this "what are your goals, after you graduate?" I said I have plans on going to graduate school, and obtaining my Masters in Speech Pathology, and eventually getting my doctoral degree before I am thirty." He looks at me and says "where have you applied?" I give him my three schools. ( I never share this information, being put on the spot I did) he says where is your heart telling you to go? I looked at him, and stated a school. ________ ( Blank School) He proceeds to say to me it's already done. "Get that Doctorate, I am counting on you, and I have faith in you."
After walking away from Mr. Harper and he continued to sign others books, all I could think was is this where my heart wants me to go? Is this where I am suppose to be? What made me say the school I said? These thoughts continuously ran through my head. I am trying to teach myself how to follow my heart and do what I want to do, without allowing anyone else to alter with what I want to do.
I ask this question do you have a blueprint of your life in your bag, folder, or work desk currently? Have you acheived all your goals in life? If you didn't achieve your goals what stopped you? How can you go back to the drawing board, and start over? Are you or have you followed your heart? Or are you following someones elses dream?
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